Monaca's New Features Release!

Thank you very much for using Monaca as always. We are pleased to inform you that we are releasing new features of Monaca that are implemented on Android Monaca Debugger 1.7.6 and iOS Monaca Debugger 1.7.1. The highlights of the new features are as follows.

New Feature 1: Spinner Functions are Added

Now you are able to display spinner animation which will be rendered in the native UI. It provides smoother animation since the rendering will be done natively. User experience can be greatly improved when using functions that take long time to process.

For more information about spinner functions, please refer to our documentation.

New Feature 2: Page Background and Screen Orientation are Added

In this release, you can specify the page style of each page in Native UI. For example, you can develop applications that have different screen orientations, different background colors and images. The advantage of this feature is that the page background is rendered before the page is loaded. Therefore, the transition between pages can be done more natively.

backgroundColor property: specify the background color of the page
backgroundImage property: specify the background image of the page
screenOrientation property: specify the screen orientation of the page (For Android only)

Please refer to links above for details of each property.

Moreover, we have added several advance features such as more animation styles during page transitions and page stack management. Please enjoy the new features.

Latest Version of Monaca Debugger is Released

The latest version of Monaca Debugger which supports the above new features of Android and iOS are Android Monaca Debugger 1.7.6 and iOS Monaca Debugger 1.7.1 respectively.

iOS Monaca Debugger 1.7.1 is under review at App Store. Until it’s publicly released, please use custom build version of iOS Monaca Debugger by the instruction described here.

Thank you very much for using Monaca. Happy coding!