SFNewTech Japan Night and Silicon Valley exposure

It is very difficult for non-English speaking people to do a pitch in English-speaking country. We have attended SFNewTech Japan Night held at downtown San Francisco, did 5 minutes pitch, and 5 minutes Q&As.

Actually it was my (Masahiro Tanaka's) first time doing a pitch in the United States, I was very proud of being elected as one of the start-ups for SFNewTech Japan Night.

I and Katsuya demonstrated Monaca service. We simply made a sample application for Japan Night, and demonstrated that is is very easy to develop and deploy the application. Yes, Monaca is a native application development platform, converting your project to Android and iOS operating system is very straightforward.

We have been looking for another opportunity to present Monaca at worldwide. If you have any information, please give us feedbacks!

Finally, many additional functions are coming soon. Stay tuned!!